Youtube Channel for the R2 platform

 The R2 platform team tries its best to reach a diverse scientific audience via an array of channels. For one, we maintain this blog, with occasional stories and notifications on what keeps us busy ;)

We also use social media applaications such as X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, where we keep our users and others interested up to date on new developments and the latest data sets. 

Another channel by which we provide tutorials and documentation is via the readthedocs sites, where we maintain our storytelling manual that spans more than 260 pages.

However all of these are text based, which is great in many cases, but does requires persistence from the reader.

So in order to reach even more users, we have also created a YouTube channel ( On this channel, we provide video demonstrations of common functions within the R2 platform, where we take you through every step to obtain a result. There are already more than 3 hours worth of videos, covering many different fintions in R2.

So, grab a coffee, launch our YouTube channel and get inspired.

The R2 support team.


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