PubSniffer, Up to Date scientific literature analysis on Genes identified in your R2 search

 When you are performing a differential expression analysis or any other search that can yield many potentially intersting genes, then one often performs a gene ontology search or a gene set enrichment analysis, to identify processes that may be at the root of the result set that was identified.

At some point, you may also become interested in a single gene and want to know more about this. This is where the pubsniffer tool, that is embedded in the R2 plaftorm comes in handy. 

Pubsniffer is an automated analysis that can identify how many papers are found around a particular gene. It also allows you to immediately launch a pubreminer session that will try to present you with a term frequency analysis, to quickly condense a vast amount of scientific literature into a clickable overview.

When used with 2 genes, then pubsniffer will also report sentences from abstracts, where both genes are being mentioned, in an attempt to proide you with concise information to help you identify the context around a potential interaction.

Wait no longer and give the pubsniffer tool a go, when you are inspecting genes within your R2 platform ( analysis.


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