Target Actionability Literature Reviews (TARs) created in, and hosted by the R2 platform in 2023


Over the years, the R2 platform ( ) has developed into much more than its initial analysis and visualization options for gene expression data. Due to some great collaborations, e.g. within the ITCC-P4 project in the IMI2 framework, we have been fortunate enough to be involved in many cool areas of research with gaps that could be filled. One of those open areas has been the critical review of scientific literature into a TAR.

A target actionability literature review is a type of systematic review that aims to identify and evaluate the evidence on a specific target and its actionability, typically in the field of precision medicine. The main objective of this type of review is to identify the genetic or molecular target and evaluate the available evidence on the actionability of that target, that is, the availability of agents (such as drugs) that can act on the target, the quality of the evidence supporting the proposed action and the potential clinical impact of targeting that specific genetic or molecular alteration. This type of literature review is useful for scientists, physicians and regulators to understand the current state of knowledge, evidence and gaps in the field, and to help guide clinical decision-making.

The TAR concept is a set of rules by which literature can be reviewed/scored in a comprehensive way. These TARs can then be summarized in a 1 figure overwiew, that is also interactive within the R2 platform, allowing for the exploration of the literature review. R2 has all the tools implemented, from the reviewing process and the collection of evidence pieces, their appraisal in several steps, up to the release and presentation of the end result in an interactive representation. If you are also interested in such a concept, then do not hesitate to reach out to the R2 support team.


Did you know that the team behind the R2 platform also developed the pubreminer tool? Pubreminer is an alternative front-end to the popular NCBI Pubmed database which facilitates the identification of keywords for any topic area. It does this by generating frequency tables of all abstracts that fit a generally broad query. By subsequent inclusion or exclusion of terms, you will focus towards publications fitting your interest, thereby narrowing the search space, while preserving keywords that are used in the domain of your interest.

Pubreminer has a fair share of librarians amongst its users, in part due to the interactive query building feature, but also to condense large bodies of literature into concepts.

Another potential use of pubreminer could be to find experts within particular sub-areas of research. A helpful feature for editors looking for potential reviewers, or to quickly spot the main actors within a research domain.

Finally, pubreminer can also be used to generate your personal CV output on the basis of a query, or a list of pubmed IDs.


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