Plot update for the R2platform
Plot update for the R2platform We have been working hard to bring you the latest update in the R2 genomics analysis and visualization platform ( ); the goto web-tool for biomedical researchers to test their hypotheses on public omics data, without the need for bioinformatics or coding expertise. In the latest update, we have made substantial changes to many of the plots that can be produced within R2. Many of the adaptable parameters have now become interactive and are placed under the 'gears' icon. The 'gears' icon Let's have a look at a gene within one of the many resources that are publicly available in R2. We will look at the GATA3 gene in an integrated resouce where samples from both GTEx as well as the TCGA have been integrated and 'batch corrected' to get an immersive view of expression in normal as well as cancer samples. We first select our resource of interest by clicking on 'select a data set'. and then find the 'TC...